We Need YOU!
The Pierce Park PTO is made up entirely of volunteers. Volunteering their time, skills, creativity, money, connections, and hard work to put on fun and enriching events, support school staff, and raise money for the school! We need volunteers like YOU to make it all possible!
Ways to Volunteer
PTO Meetings
First Wednesday
of Each Month
Pierce Park Library
One great way to be involved is to attend monthly PTO meetings. Everyone is welcome to attend (even kiddos)! This is a chance to share your ideas, questions, and concerns, and be the first to know about upcoming events, projects, and opportunities.
Specific Events
via email & sign-up genius
Sign up for specific events– For each volunteer opportunity we will send out a sign-up genius for various tasks needed to make an event successful. You can find the link at the bottom of this page or through your email.
Personal & Business Connections
Please reach out to the PTO Board via email
Do you or someone you know...
Own a business? Have connections with a large corporation? Have a unique skill or talent? Have a relationship with a local business or restaurant?
We are always looking for ways to partner with the community, apply for grants and donations, utilize the talents and connections within the Pierce Park community, and investigate unique fundraising opportunities.
Let's chat!

Sign-Up Genius
Click the links under specific events to sign-up to help!
We also love to hear your ideas-- what events and activities would you like to see at the school?